Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering draws its strength from a team of dedicated faculty members with both academic and industrial experience. The department is well equipped with laboratories. The software packages available in the Department include AutoCAD, Solid works, CATIA, Edge-CAM and ANSYS.

Among the various activities of the department, the Karpagam Academy of Higher Education Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) stands out with its many guest lectures by eminent personalities from academic and industries. Our students have won second prize for “BEST BUILD QUALITY AWARD’ in BAJA SAE 2012 national level competition. In addition to that our students have also participated in SUPRA (F1 car modeling and fabrication competition and EFFICYLE (Hybrid Three Wheeler) competition. Apart from the national level participation, students also participate in International level competition like FORMULA UNIMAP 2013- Malaysia. Frequent industrial visits to renowned industries are one of the key activities of the department. The department has a separate library with a collection of various Reference Books, E-Journals, and Student Project Reports. Mechanical Sciences Association (MSA) is actively conducting various conferences, workshops, symposiums etc. The department maintains a close liaison with a number of Universities and Industries in and out of the country through faculty research and collaborative projects.

The department of mechanical engineering is dedicated to blossom into Centre of Excellence, outsourcing devoted and proficient engineers to bear the responsibilities of transforming the nation into a technically, socially, and ethically advanced one.

To develop industry-oriented manpower to cope with global technological challenges.

  • M1: Imparting mechanical engineering knowledge through trained faculty in a conducive environment,
  • M2: Creating awareness about the needs of mechanical industries through alumni and industry-institute interactions.
  • M3: Encouraging students to shine by augmenting their knowledge to continuing education programme and service to humanity for a better society.
  1. Under Graduate Programme
    • B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Strength: 120)
  2. Post Graduate Programme
    • M.E. CAD / CAM Robotics (Strength: 6)
  3. Research Programme
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Name Qualification Designation Email ID Short Profile
Dr.S.Marimuthu M.E., Ph.D. Professor & Head Click Here
Dr.Debabrata Barik M.E., Ph.D. Associate Professor Click Here
Dr.S.Manivannan M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.R.Karuppasamy M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.S.Aravind M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.P.Ragupathi M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.K.SathishKumar M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.P.M.Gopal M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.V.Kavimani M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.A.Daniel Das M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.C.Thiyagu M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.R.Suresh Balaji M.E. (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.N.Sathiesh Kumar M.E.(Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.V.Santhosh M.E.(Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.M.Ramkumar M.E., (Ph.D) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.R.Venkat Raman M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.B.Narenthiran M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.P.K.Miniappan M.E., Ph.D Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.N.Kalidas M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.B.Akilan M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here

Research laboratories

  • Research laboratories
  • Research Centre for Tribology
  • Research Centre for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions
  • Non-ferrous Composite Research Laboratory
  • Machining Research Laboratory
  • Centre for production facility and Service
  • Material Science Research Laboratories

Students’ laboratories

  1. Engineering Practice Lab
  2. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab
  3. CAD Lab
  4. Strength of Materials Lab
  5. Machining Practices Lab
  6. Metrology and Measurements Lab
  7. Kinematics and Dynamics Lab
  8. Thermal Engineering Lab- I
  9. Thermal Engineering Lab- II
  10. CAM Lab
  11. Robotics and Automation Lab
  12. Two & Three-Wheeler Lab
  13. Automotive Chassis & Transmission Lab
  14. Auto Scanning & Vehicle Testing Lab
  15. Automobile Vehicle Maintenance & Reconditioning Lab
  16. Automotive Engines & Components Lab
  17. Aerodynamics lab
  18. Aircraft Structures Lab
  19. Propulsion Lab
  20. Airframe Repair and Maintenance and Aero Engine Repair Lab
  21. Aircraft Systems Lab
  22. Wind tunnel apparatus with accessorise

Paper publications by the Faculty Members

Best Five Papers Faculty wise:

Dr.A.Daniel Das

  1. Venkatesh, R., A. Daniel Das, R. Muthu Kamatchi, Gopal Kaliyaperumal, M. Ajin, and Rajasekaran Shanmugam. “Synthesis and Functional Behavior of Sisal Fiber-Incorporated Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposite Enriched by Nano-SiC.” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D (2024): 1-5.
  2. Das, A. Daniel, R. Suresh Balaji, S. Marimuthu, and S. Manivannan. Investigating Ethanol-Diesel Mixtures for Improved Compression Ignition (CI) Engine Performance: An Experimental Approach. No. 2023-01-5138. SAE Technical Paper, 2024.
  3. Das, A. Daniel, S. Manivannan, R. Venkatesh, and S. Gowtham. “Effect of Tensile Strength on Friction Welding of Tube-to-Tube Plate Processed Samples: A Mechanical and Metallurgical Approach.” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023): 1-16.
  4. Das A, Daniel, and Gizachew Assefa Kerga. “Effect of Cavitation with Vibration on the Powerhouse Structure of Bulb Turbines Installed in Hydropower Stations.” Advances in Materials Science & Engineering 2022 (2022).
  5. Das, A. D., K. Sathish Kumar, and R. Prasanna. “Investigating the effect of wire cut EDM of titanium alloy 6242 using TOPSIS.” Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies 8, no. 3 (2021): 2824-2836.

Dr. D. Barik

  1. D. Barik, et al. 2024, Exploration of the dual fuel combustion mode on a direct injection diesel engine powered with hydrogen as gaseous fuel in port injection and diesel-diethyl ether blend as liquid fuel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52; 827-840
  2. Jayapradha P., D. Barik, 2024, Experimental investigation on the effects of natural convection on cylindrical LiFePO4 battery module for energy storage application. Energy Storage, 6; 1-14.
  3. M. Arun, D. Barik, et al. 2024, Parabolic trough solar collector technology using TiO2 nanofluids with dimpled tubes. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 61; 104840
  4. M. Arun, D. Barik, SSR Chandran, 2024, Exploration of material recovery framework from waste–A revolutionary move towards clean environment. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 18; 100589.
  5. M. Arun, D. Barik, 2024, Experimental Analysis of Heat Transfer and Thermal Performance of Parabolic Type Solar Collector with Ribbed Surface Texture for Clean Energy Extraction. International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 25 (5); 1-17.

Dr. P. M. Gopal

  1. Gopal, P. M., Kavimani, V., & Arun Kumar, K. (2024). Experimental examination on electrochemical machining of Mg/FeCoCrNiMn composite. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 1-12.
  2. Gopal, P. M., Kavimani, V., Sudhagar, S., Sonar, T., & Venkatesh, S. (2024). Optimization of wire-cut EDM parameters using Taguchi and entropy coupled COPRAS approach for machining of CRT glass powder reinforced magnesium surface composite developed using friction stir processing. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 1-12.
  3. Gopal, P. M., Prakash, K. S., Makki, E., Kavimani, V., Giri, J., & Sathish, T. (2023). E-waste CRT panel glass reinforced magnesium composite processed through powder metallurgy: fabrication and mechanical performance evaluation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 2939-2952.
  4. Aliasker, K. T., Gopal, P. M., Naveen, S., Madhu, S., & Yuvaraj, K. P. (2023). Exploring the effects of self-lubricating MoS2 in magnesium metal matrix composite: Investigation on wear, corrosion, and mechanical properties. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 677, 132362.
  5. Gopal, P. M., Suyambulingam, I., Divakaran, D., Kavimani, V., Sanjay, M. R., & Siengchin, S. (2023). Exfoliation and physicochemical characterization of novel biomass-based microcrystalline cellulose derived from Millettia pinnata leaf. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11

Dr. P. Ragupathi

  1. Ragupathi, P., Barik, D. and Praveenkumar, S., 2024. Experimental analysis on the thermoelectric effect of various solid-state devices used for direct conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy. Results in Engineering, 23, p.102752.
  2. Ragupathi, P. and Barik, D., 2024. Minimizing the Surface Temperature of Heat Sink in Electronic Components for Sustainability. Evolutionary Manufacturing, Design and Operational Practices for Resource and Environmental Sustainability, pp.409-418.
  3. Ragupathi, P. and Barik, D., 2023. Investigation on the Heat‐to‐Power Generation Efficiency of Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs) by Harvesting Waste Heat from a Combustion Engine for Energy Storage. International Journal of Energy Research, 2023(1), p.3693308.
  4. Ragupathi, P., Barik, D., Aravind, S. and Vignesh, G., 2021, February. Performance optimization of thermoelectric generators using Taguchi method. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1059, No. 1, p. 012053). IOP Publishing.
  5. Ragupathi, P., Barik, D., Vignesh, G. and Aravind, S., 2020. Electricity generation from exhaust waste heat of internal combustion engine using Al2O3 thermoelectric generators. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 23(1), pp.55-60.

Dr. R. Karuppasamy

  1. Karuppasamy, R. and Barik, D., 2021. Production methods of aluminium foam: A brief review. Materials Today: Proceedings, 37, pp.1584-1587.
  2. Karuppasamy, R. and Daniel, D.A., 2019. Investigations on mechanical properties of squeeze casted Al MMC reinforced with TIC and BN. J Adv Res Dyn Control Syst, 11(12), pp.1086-1092.
  3. Karuppasamy, R., Barik, D., Sivaram, N.M. and Dennison, M.S., 2020. Investigation on the effect of aluminium foam made of A413 aluminium alloy through stir casting and infiltration techniques. International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, 11(1), pp.34-50.
  4. Das, A.D. and Karuppasamy, R., 2021. Optimization on hardness values of FSW samples for Al 7–Series & AA 6–Series samples using Taguchi method. Materials Today: Proceedings, 37, pp.596-599.
  5. Ganapathy, T., Ramasamy, K., Suyambulingam, I. and Siengchin, S., 2023. Synergetic effect of graphene particles on novel biomass–based Ficus benghalensis aerial root/flax fiber–reinforced hybrid epoxy composites for structural application. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, pp.1-38.

Dr. S. Aravind

  1. Samraj, Aravind, Debabrata Barik, Metta Laxmi Deepak Bhatlu, Sachindra Kumar Rout, Badreddine Ayadi, Walid Aich, Ahmed Kadhim Hussein, and Lioua Kolsi. “Effect of diethyl ether on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with a light fraction of waste cooking oil.” Processes 11, no. 9 (2023): 2613.
  2. Aravind, S., and Debabrata Barik. “Taguchi Optimization on the Biooil Extraction from Fresh Water Algae (Spirogyra) Using Soxhlet Apparatus.” International Journal of Energy Research 2023, no. 1 (2023): 6213851.
  3. Aravind, S., Debabrata Barik, and Nagaraj Ashok. “Optimization of oil yield from the macro algae Spirogyra by solvent extraction process using RSM and ANN.” International Journal of Photoenergy 2022, no. 1 (2022): 3690635.
  4. Aravind, S., Debabrata Barik, P. Ragupathi, and G. Vignesh. “Investigation on algae oil extraction from algae Spirogyra by Soxhlet extraction method.” Materials Today: Proceedings 43 (2021): 308-313.
  5. Aravind, S., and A. Daniel Das. “An examination on GTAW samples of 7-series aluminium alloy using response surface methodology.” Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021): 614-620.

Dr. S. Manivannan

  1. S. Manivannan, Smart assessment of environment assisted cracking of grade 92 material using different test solutions, Materials Research Express, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab691d
  2. S.Manivannan, Stress Corrosion Cracking of AZ91 + xCe Alloy Using Proof Ring Test in ASTM D1384 and NaCl-K2CrO4 Solutions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-019-04054-7
  3. S. Manivannan, Crystal growth behavior and phase stability of rare earth oxides (4 mol.% GdO1.5-4 mol.% SmO1.5) doped zirconia nanopowders journal of materials research and technology,
  4. S. Manivannan, Synthesis, characterisation and erosion behaviour of AlCoCrMoNi high entropy alloy coating, Materials Research Express, DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab4477
  5. S.Manivannan, Thermal kinetics and phase stability of 8 mol% samaria doped zirconia nanopowders prepared via reverse coprecipitation ceramics international,

Dr. V. Kavimani

  1. Kavimani.V., Paramasivam, B., & Raju, S. (2024). Measurement of mechanical and thermal performance of cigarette filter fibres/eggshell particles reinforced polymer composite using integrated CRITIC-TODIM approach. Measurement, 228, 114251.
  2. Kavimani. V., Pudhupalayam Muthukutti, G., Keerthiveettil Ramakrishnan, S., Venkatesan, S., & Zhou, W. (2024). An integrated CRITIC-COPRAS approach for multi-response optimization on AWJM of hybrid filler–reinforced polymer composite and its surface integrity. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 131(9), 4965-4980.
  3. Kavimani, V., Vignesh, P., Kumar, N., & Kumaran, S. (2023). Electrochemical corrosion behaviour of rolled dual phase Mg-8Li-graphene composite. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 11(3), 035017.
  4. Kavimani, V., Divakaran, D., Sriariyanun, M., Suganya Priyadharshini, G., Gopal, P. M., Suyambulingam, I., … & Siengchin, S. (2023). Facile exfoliation and physicochemical characterization of biomass-based cellulose derived from Pandanus tectorius leaves for sustainable environment. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-12.
  5. Kavimani, V., Gopal, P. M., Sumesh, K. R., & Elanchezhian, R. (2022). Improvement on mechanical and flame retardancy behaviour of bio-exfoliated graphene-filled epoxy/glass fibre composites using compression moulding approach. Polymer Bulletin, 79(8), 6289-6307.

Guest lecturers

  1. Research Opportunities on Welding Consumables Organized by Dr. K.Thirunavukkarasu Dr.Kavimani Mr. A. Daniel Das Mr. C. Nithiyapathi on 26.06.2020
  2. NBA – an Outcome Based Education Organized by Dr. K.Thirunavukkarasu Dr.Kavimani Mr. A. Daniel Das Mr. C. Nithiyapathi on 23.07.2020
  3. Additive Manufacturing Organized by Dr. P. M. Gopal, Dr. V. Kavimani, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 03.10.2020
  4. Materials for Energy Applications Organized by Dr. V. Kavimani, Dr. P. M. Gopal, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 10.10.2020
  5. Carbon Nano-Materials and its research potential Organized by Dr. S. Manivannan, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 13.10.2020
  6. Recent trends in Unconventional Machining Process Organized by Dr. K.Thirunavukkarasu Dr.Kavimani Mr. A. Daniel Das Mr. C. Nithiyapathi on 28.10.2020
  7. Material Design and Surface Engineering for Bioimplants Organized by Dr. S. Manivannan, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 12.12.2020 (FN)
  8. A Good Career for your future Organized by Dr. R. Karuppasamy, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 12.12.2020 (AN)
  9. How to develop your interpersonal skills future Organized by Dr. R. Karuppasamy, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 13.12.2020.
  10. Startups Organized by Mr. S. Aravind, Mr. A. Daniel Das on 14.12.2020.
  11. Opportunities for Competitive Exams Organized by Mr. P. Paranthaman, Dr. P.M. Gopal, Dr. V. Kavimani on 16.12.2020
  12. Introduction to emerging technologies and scope for Mechanical Engineers in Industries Organized by Dr. S. Karuppasamy on 20.12.2020
  13. A guest lecture was arranged on Jigs and Fixtures on January 17, 2018. Expert member Mr.S.Senniappan, B.E., M/S BINDIA tools Coimbatore addressed the students on various types of Jigs and Fixtures and its application in automation industries.
  14. A guest lecture was organized on Design of Press tools on January 17, 2018. Expert member from industry Er.S.Senniappan, M/S BINDIA tools Coimbatore addressed the students on various designs of press tool and its industrial applications.
  15. A guest lecture was arranged on PLC System for Mechanical Industries on January 29, 2018. External expert member from Axis Global, Automation, Chennai addressed the students on the application of electronic and PLC in mechanical industries to make it more advanced and quality production with less error.
  16. Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA) for the academic year 2016-17 was inaugurated on July 26, 2016 by Dr.V.S.Sreebalaji, Professor and Head, Dr.N.G.P.Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Subsequently, Dr.V.S.Sreebalaji delivered theinaugural address on ‘Trends and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering’ covering the aspects of employability and higher education in Mechanical Engineering.
  17. A motivational lecture was delivered by Dr.B.Selvaraj, Professor of Government Arts College, Coimbatore on January 06, 2016.
  18. Sreedhar Kumar, Senior Manager – TIFAC PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore addressed the students of Mechanical Engineering on the topic Additive Manufacturing and Reverse Engineering on March 23, 2016.
  19. Alfred Vinod Antony delivered a lecture on ‘Product development in Automobile Industry’ on March 28, 2016.
  20. Mani, CEO, Messer Cutting Systems India Private Limited of Technology, Coimbatore addressed the students on the topic ‘Employability and Entrepreneurship’ on December 15, 2016.
  21. Krishna Kumar, Governing Council Member, American Society of Safety Engineers – Indian Chapter and Member, National Safety Council, India, addressed the students of Mechanical Engineering on the topic ‘Safety in Engineering Industries and Opportunities in Industrial Safety’ on January 06, 2017.
  22. Saravanan Chellamuthu, Technical Architect ECU Design, Continental Automotive Components India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, addressed the students on the theme of Automotive Architecture on March 06, 2017.
  23. A guest lecture was arranged on Interview Techniques for Employability for final year students on July 27, 2017. Mr.S.Sakthivel Manager – HRD, Indo shell cast private limited, Coimbatore addressed the students about their successful future employability.
  24. A guest lecture arranged on Career Guidance on August 09, 2017. Expert member Mr.RakshitKannan, HR Manager, VKC Foot care India Pvt ltd Coimbatore addressed the students on the guidelines to build good career.
  25. A guest lecture was arranged on “Entrepreneurship and Startups” for Engineers on August 09, 2017. External expert member Mr.M.Sathya Narayanan, Managing Director, Coimbatore addressed the students on various young Entrepreneurs and their success stories.
  26. A guest lecture was organized on Abroad Opportunities for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers on August 09, 2017. Mr.T.Mahendran, Plant Head, Al-Arab Contracting Company, Saudi Arabia, addressed the students on Job Opportunities for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students.
  27. A guest lecture was arranged on Healthy Living and Habits on August 10, 2017. Professor Dr.L.NaveenPrabhu, Dialectologist Consultant, Health Officer, Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore addressed the students for a healthy life.
  28. A guest lecture on People Behavior and Communication was organized on August 10, 2017. Mr.Asish Mehta, Managing Director, Mehta Industries, Coimbatore, addressed the students on communication skill and behavior of different persons and their personalities.
  29. A guest lecture was arranged on August 25, 2017. Mr.Velandi, CEO, Blue Ray Technologies, Coimbatore, addressed the students about the use of Non Destructive Testing.


  1. A symposium MECTROTZ’20 was organized on February 17, 2020 and February 18, 2020. The student’s symposium comprised of events including technical paper presentation, project presentation, puzzle solving, racing and cultural events were conducted.
  2. A symposium MECTROTZ’19 was organized on February 23, 2019 and February 24, 2019. The student’s symposium comprised of events including technical paper presentation, project presentation, puzzle solving, racing and cultural events were conducted.
  3. A symposium MECTROTZ’18 was organized on March 06, 2018 and March 07, 2018. The student’s symposium comprised of events including technical paper presentation, project presentation, puzzle solving, racing and cultural events were conducted.
  4. A symposium MECTROTZ’17 was organized on February 15, 2017 and February 16, 2017. The student’s symposium comprised of events including technical paper presentation, project presentation, puzzle solving, racing and cultural events were conducted.
  5. A symposium MECTROTZ’16 was organized on March 01, 2016 and March 02, 2016. The student’s symposium comprised of events including technical paper presentation, project presentation, puzzle solving, racing and cultural events were conducted.


  1. A one day seminar on “Circular Economy for Productivity and Sustainability” in connection with National Productivity Day was organized on February 09, 2019
  2. A one day seminar on seminar on “Advanced Composites for Naval Applications – Challenges and Opportunities” was organized on February 14, 2019
  3. A one day seminar on Seminar on recent trends in analysis of lightweight materials using the finite element simulation as integrated tool in car body development was organized on September 27, 2019
  4. A one day seminar on Industrial Measurements and Metrology was organized on January 03, 2018. Expert member from CADD Leader Training Institute, Coimbatore addressed the students.
  5. A one day seminar on Pneumatic systems and its applications was organized on January 04, 2018. Mr.T.Suresh, FANUC India Private Limited was the key note speaker for the programme and he addressed the Pneumatic systems and its applications to the students.
  6. A one day seminar on Recent Trends on Recycling of Bio Waste Management was organized on January 05, 2018
  7. A one day seminar on Dronity 1.0 Drone Technologies and Future of Drone was organized on December 20, 2017. Mr. Rahul, CEO, Indian Institute of Drones (IID) and Mr.Vinoth Kumar, Director – South Zone, IID addressed the students on the future prospects of the use of Drone and its need to the society and country safety system.
  8. A one day seminar on Motivational and Exposure talk on ‘Current status of business and start- up organizations’ was organized on December 21, 2017. Ms.Sudha Mani, Area Director at Toastmasters International UK & Ireland and ‘CEO & Founder at Avinash Business Consultants Ltd’. Coimbatore addressed the students on business and start- up methods.
  9. A one day Seminar with hands-on training in Tool and Die Design was conducted on September 29, 2016.


  1. A one day workshop organized on January 04, 2019 on “Composite Manufacturing Processes, Analyses, Modeling and Simulation”
  2. A three days workshop organized from January 17, 2019 to January 19, 2019 on “Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework of NAAC”
  3. A one day workshop organized on January 28, 2019 on “Artificial Intelligence powered Chatbot”
  4. A two day workshop organized from October 03, 2019 to October 04, 2019 on startup in welding technology
  5. A one day workshop organized on Programmable and Logic Control (PLC) Programming on January 30, 2018. Technical experts from Axis Global Automation, Chennai on PLC and its application.
  6. A five day workshop organized from March 12, 2018 to March 16, 2018 on Smart Manufacturing
  7. A two day workshop organized workshop from December 06, 2018 to December 07, 2018 “Advances in Welding Technology”
  8. A two day workshop organized from14.12.2018 to 15.12.2018 on “Material Testing and Characterization”
  9. A one day workshop was conducted in association with Indian Welding Society on March 10, 2017. The expert members Dr.N.Murugan, Patron IWS Coimbatore Chapter, Dr.V.Balusamy, Vice Chairman IWS Coimbatore and Mr.I.Gnanavallal, Secretary IWS India addressed the recent trends in Welding Technologies.
  10. A One Day Workshop in association with Society of Automotive Engineers organized on March 11, 2017 on Emerging Technologies in Automotive Sector. The expert members Mr. S. Shanmugam, Vice Chairman, SAE India Southern Section and Mr.K.Arunkumar Senior Territory Manager Mahindra & Mahindra, Mumbai addressed the students on various advanced technologies available in the field of automotive sector.
  11. A Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Training workshop was conducted on August 29, 2017. Mr.V.Balakrishnan CUBES NDT service Coimbatore was invited as Chief Speaker. He shared very valuable methods of destructive testing.
  12. A one day workshop was conducted on August 30, 2017 on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Programming.
  13. A one day workshop on Automotive Architecture was organized on September 16, 2017. Key note speakers Mr.C.Saravanan, Technical Architect, Continental Automotive Components Pvt Ltd, Mr.P.Dhanapal, Senior Technical Specialist, Continental Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd, Mr.K.Ravishankar, Manager-Product Development Cycle, Continental Automotive Components and Mr.A.Sanjeev, ProjectManager, Continental Automotive Components Pvt Ltd, addressed the students on various automotive design and methods adopted for design of architecture.
  14. A one day workshop on ‘Non-Destructive Testing’ was conducted by the experts from Metal Lab on January 03, 2016.
  15. A one day workshop on ‘NX CAD/CAM’ was conducted on February 24, 2016 to the students of Mechanical Engineering.
  16. A One day workshop on ‘Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing’ was conducted on October 03, 2016.